Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Germination of Cacti and Aloe

Today I noticed germination from Epithelantha bokei and Eulychnia breviflora (Mesa Garden)! I am really excited to some day see the amazing golden woolly fruit from the Eulychnia.
Epithelantha on left, Eulychnia on the right

 Also, there are some tiny sprouts popping up in the Aloe helenae container (Le Jardin Naturel). This is one of my favorite Aloes and it is really hard to find. I got tons of seeds, so hopefully this entire container will be full of tiny little seedlings in the next few weeks.
Aloe helenae seedlings!
The Yucca elata var. verdiensis seedlings seem to be coming a long great with really long tap roots. After I see the first true leaf, I will separate out the seedlings into individual containers.

Yucca elata var. verdiensis seedlings

The Agave victoria-reginae seedlings REALLY took off in the past week. I count over 15 little seedlings in the container now.
Agave victoria-reginae seedlings after a week

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