Saturday, May 7, 2016

San Marcos Growers, Kniphofia, and Telopea

So this weekend I went with my roommate to Santa Barbara to get some material for a project of his (he owns a landscaping company). I had seen on their latest availability list that they had Kniphofia northiae, my favorite Kniphofia, so I came along with the hopes of getting one. I called before we came up and asked to reserve 10, 1 gallons of Kniphofia northiae. However, when we got there, I was unable to find 1 gallon Kniphofia and ended up just getting a 5 gallon one.

5g Kniphofia northiae
I also got a 5g Kniphofia rooperi! It was just so big and majestic!

Kniphofia rooperi

When I was thinking I would end up living in Portland, I considered plants which could potentially handle the cold, wet climate of the pacific northwest. One I came across was the Telopea. An awesome protea relative from Australia. They had one at San Marcos Growers but you could tell it did not appreciate the climate and although it was in bloom, it looked pretty scorched. I think it would do much better in San Francisco.

Telopea sp. (T. oreades I think)

Looking forward to more nurseries!

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